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Title: A cor da diferença: tensões e reflexões sobre as relações étnico-raciais que emergem do fazer artístico
Other Titles: El color de la diferencia: tensiones y reflexiones sobre las relaciones étnico-raciales que surgen de lo hacer artístico
The color of difference: tensions and reflections on ethnic-racial relationships emerging from artistic creation
Keywords: Relações étnico-raciais
Identidade negra
Políticas das diferenças
Relaciones étnico-raciales
Identidad negra
Políticas de diferencias
Ethnic-racial relations
Black identity
Differences policies
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Citation: SILVA, G. de F. F. et al. A cor da diferença: tensões e reflexões sobre as relações étnico-raciais que emergem do fazer artístico. Revista Diversidade e Educação, Rio Grande, v. 9, p. 257–286, 2021. Edição Especial. DOI: 10.14295/de.v9iEspecial.12674.
Abstract: The present text, woven by several hands, presents the dialogue between two researches carried out in the postgraduate program in education at the Federal University of Lavras, regarding ethnic-racial relations and artistic experiences. The locus of the current study transits between classes of the Initial series of elementary School and Early Childhood Education, located, respectively, in Campo das Vertentes and in the South of Minas Gerais. Both investigations were based on the post-structuralist theoretical and methodological frameworks and on Foucauldian studies to problematize the relations of knowledge-power that navigate in confrontations, being confrontation, pulsating resistance. The empirical material was produced in the realization of pedagogical workshops, previously elaborated, which bubbled up problematizations regarding the representativeness of blackness. Crossed by theater and fine arts, we find in the expressions and speeches of children the negation and / or marginalization of black people, which disturbed us and launched us into this investigative field, aiming to problematize the inequalities of race / ethnicity that reverberate in the schoolenvironment.
Appears in Collections:DEF - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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