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Title: Desejo e passado: observações sobre a tensão entre memória e rememoração na psicanálise freudiana
Other Titles: Past and desire: remarks on the tension between memory and recollection in freudian psychoanalysis
Désir et passé: remarques sur la tension entre mémoire et remémoration dans la psychanalyse freudienne
El pasado y el deseo: observaciones sobre la tensión entre memoria y recuerdo en el psicoanálisis freudiano
Keywords: Psicanálise freudiana
Psychanalyse freudienne
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
Citation: SILVEIRA, L. Desejo e passado: observações sobre a tensão entre memória e rememoração na psicanálise freudiana. Analytica, São João del-Rei, v. 1, n. 2, p. 77-93, jan./jun. 2013.
Abstract: Freudian psychoanalysis carries in its heart the idea that certain mnemonic inscriptions exerts great influence on behavior without consciousness having access to them. On the one hand, it is assumed that the events of childhood profoundly shape the destinies of psychological functioning and, secondly, that such marks are inaccessible as such. We will follow a few of Freud's remarks towards the establishment of the intelligibility of this twofold thesis on metapsychological level. This path will be followed under the light of some clinic phenomena that have imposed the enigma of memory: screen memory, infantile amnesia, dreams and transference.
Appears in Collections:DCH - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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