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Title: Caracterização fisiológica de sementes de espécies florestais potencialmente invasoras e não invasoras
Other Titles: Physiological characterization of seeds of potentially invasive and non-invasive forest species
Authors: José, Anderson Cleiton
Faria, José Márcio Rocha
José, Anderson Cleiton
Fontes, Marco Aurélio Leite
Silva, Edvaldo Aparecido Amaral da
Keywords: Espécies invasoras
Estresse hídrico
Semente florestal
Invasive species
Hydrical stress
Forest seed
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: FURTADO, A. C. M. Caracterização fisiológica de sementes de espécies florestais potencialmente invasoras e não invasoras. 2019. 62 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: The invasive processes are responsible for changes in the composition and functioning of ecosystems, causing numerous damages worldwide. However, studies that evidence invasions of tree species are still recent and very scarce. It is believed that phenotypic plasticity, which is a feature that provides greater tolerance to a wide range of conditions, is linked to the invasive species profile. Thus, evidence of extreme situations may have information about invasive species capacity. Considering the above, the present work analyzed the seed germination of 10 forest species, which were divided into two groups, where five were considered as potentially invasive species and five non - invasive species, according to the regeneration capacity in the study region. The germinative analysis was performed at different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ° C), and in different water potentials (0, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75 e - 1.0 MPa). It can be concluded from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that there are no distinct behaviors among the groups of species studied (invasive and non-invasive) during germination.
Appears in Collections:Engenharia Florestal - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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