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Título: Um olhar para as estratégias de um Surdo estudante em situações multiplicativas
Título(s) alternativo(s): A look into the strategies of a Deaf studant in multiplicative situations
Autores: Mendes, Rosana Maria
Caporale, Silvia Maria Medeiros
Pinto, Gisela Maria da Fonseca
Palavras-chave: Surdo - Estudante
Cultura surda
Situações multiplicativas
Educação Matemática
Deaf student
Deaf culture
Multiplicative situations
Mathematics Education
Data do documento: 23-Ago-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: BOTELHO, Cíntia de Fátima. Um olhar para as estratégias de um Surdo estudante em situações multiplicativas. 2024. 106p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: In the present qualitative research, an investigation is proposed into the mobilizations/constructions of a Deaf student within an inclusive research setting in the development of multiplicative ideas, through Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and visuality. The participating Deaf student was attending services at a Specialized Educational Assistance Center (CAEE) in a southern Minas Gerais city. The theoretical framework utilized was the field of Deaf Studies, seeking an approach with Ethnomathematics, highlighting the importance of recognizing and valuing Deaf culture. The data were constituted from video recordings and records of activities carried out by the student following a didactic sequence in the area of Numbers and Operations, and Content Analysis was adopted for the preparation and analysis of the constituted data. From the analysis, the relevance of recognizing, respecting, and integrating the multiple forms of representation and mathematical communication used by Deaf students was observed. The valorization of Deaf culture, coupled with the understanding of individual visual experiences, can contribute to the construction of a more inclusive educational environment and to more meaningful mathematical learning for these students. Thus, an approximation of Ethnomathematics with the teaching and learning process of Deaf individuals has been evidenced regarding pedagogical practices, mathematical manifestations, and the different types of records of the participating Deaf students in the research. Furthermore, it was emphasized that for a more meaningful learning of mathematical concepts, it is important that the teaching staff do not use strategies in isolation in the teaching process of Deaf people, but integrate different ways of teaching, using Libras, visual resources, and considering aspects of visuality in the teaching and learning process of Deaf students. From the constituted data, our Educational Product is a Didactic Sequence with guidelines and suggestions that can be developed in a CAEE or another educational environment, highlighting the interaction and different forms of mathematical representations in the teaching and learning process with the students.
Aparece nas coleções:Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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