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Título: Inserção da educação para o trânsito no currículo da educação básica: contribuições a partir das pesquisas acadêmicas
Título(s) alternativo(s): Insertion of traffic education in the basic education curriculum: contributions from academic research
Autores: Arcas, Paulo Henrique
Silva, Wesley
Borges, Regilson Maciel
Palavras-chave: Educação para o trânsito
Formação docente
Gestão escolar participativa
Tecnologias digitais na educação
Metodologias de ensino dialógicas
Traffic education
Teacher training
Participatory school management
Dialogic teaching methodologies
Digital technologies in education
Data do documento: 20-Ago-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: CRUZ, Daniele Aparecida da Silva. Inserção da educação para o trânsito no currículo da educação básica: contribuições a partir das pesquisas acadêmicas. 2024. 98p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: The present research developed in the Professional Master's course of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Lavras aimed to survey academic research (theses and dissertations) that address traffic education in basic education schools, aiming to understand/map how the theme has been included in school projects. The research was justified by the high number of traffic accidents in the country and by the national traffic and educational legislation pointing out the relevance of including social themes in the school context through transversality. This approach integrates different areas of knowledge, promoting interdisciplinarity, in order to provide students with a broader and more contextualized understanding of the content. Educating for traffic goes beyond teaching traffic rules and norms, but rather awakens critical and reflective thinking in students, enabling them to be multipliers in promoting more responsible and safe traffic, contributing to a fair, egalitarian and humanized society, through the exercise of citizenship. This was a qualitative bibliographical research on theses and dissertations available in the repositories of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in the period from 1996 to 2022. The analysis and interpretation of the data was supported by content analysis by Bandin (1997). The theoretical contribution was based on authors from the traffic and educational areas, such as: Araújo (2000), Arroyo (2011), Ausubel (2003), Canário (2012), Freire (1996), Hoffmann (2003), Kiefer (2015), Libâneo (1992), Rozestraten (2004), Scheneider (2020), among others. The analyzes highlighted some obstacles to the effective insertion of traffic education in basic education schools, such as divergences in normative documents, lack of guidance and interest from education professionals, inconsistent public policies, shallow programmatic contents, difficulty in understanding the topic, improvisation in activities, initial and continuing training and lack of support from educational and school management. Relevant possibilities emerged, such as the use of digital technologies as a pedagogical tool, continued training of distance teachers, teaching methodologies based on dialogic, participatory and playful classes, and Participatory School Management. This work resulted in an educational product, a guiding document for educational/school managers with the aim of supporting discussion and reflection on the importance of including traffic education in the context of basic education.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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