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Title: Percepção de produtores do Assentamento Eldorado I (Che Guevara) no município de Sidrolândia (MS) sobre os Sistemas de Integração Pecuária Floresta (IPF)
Other Titles: Perception of producers from the Eldorado I Settlement (Che Guevara) in the municipality of Sidrolândia (MS) about Integrated Livestock-forestry Systems (IPF)
Authors: Romaniello, Marcelo Márcio
Assis, Thiago Rodrigo de Paula
Gregolin, Marcos Roberto Pires
Romaniello, Marcelo Márcio
Keywords: Assentamentos rurais
Sistemas de Integração Pecuária Floresta (IPF)
Rural settlements
silvopastoral system
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VASCONCELLOS, Fabiana Ananias. Percepção de produtores do Assentamento Eldorado I (Che Guevara) no município de Sidrolândia (MS) sobre os Sistemas de Integração Pecuária Floresta (IPF). 2024. 47p. Dissertação (Mestrado profissional em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: Considering the great relevance of integrated agricultural production systems as a strategy for adapting to climate change, this study sought to understand what aspects limit the adoption of the silvopastoral system (SSP), also known as livestock-forest integration (IPF), by producers in the Eldorado I Settlement (Che Guevara), in Sidrolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul, who are beneficiaries of the Sustainable Rural Project - Cerrado (PRS-Cerrado). To do this, a qualitative methodology was used, using semi-structured interviews with producers from the area who are linked to the project, using non-probability for convenience sampling, with a deliberate choice of people to take part in the sample who were available for the interview. The results obtained were: the profile of the producers benefiting from the project, the barriers to adopting SSP and the most suitable SSP configurations for the local context according to the interviewees' vision. Of the 82 PRS-Cerrado beneficiaries in the Eldorado I settlement, 50 are aged between 46 and 65, 53 are female and 47 have only incomplete primary education. The main barriers to adopting IPF identified are a lack of clarity about the system and its possible configurations, and a lack of resources to implement it. Some of the interviewees already practice the silvopastoral system on their plots, but don't identify it as such, as their notion of the system is linked to the presence of eucalyptus as the only tree component. The configurations pointed out by the interviewees as the most suitable for their reality are silvopastoral systems with fruit species and species native to the Cerrado, especially cumbaru (Dipteryx alata). Concern about animal welfare and environmental issues was evident in the interviews and was given greater weight than the positive and/or negative economic aspects related to the system.
Appears in Collections:Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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