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Título: Arte e resistência: sentidos discursivos do corpo através da dança na escola
Título(s) alternativo(s): Art and resistance: discursive senses of the body through dance at school
Autores: Cano, Márcio Rogério Oliveira
Amorim, Márcia Fonseca de
Chaves, Ramon
Palavras-chave: Análise do discurso
Data do documento: 6-Dez-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: VEIGA, A. C. Arte e resistência: sentidos discursivos do corpo através da dança na escola. 2023. 105 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: This work aims to understand the discursive functioning of resistance in dance art through the theoretical-methodological framework of Materialist Discourse Analysis. To achieve this, I take the school as a symbolic space and analyze a dance performance that took place during a "festive junina" event. The analysis is based on a video that circulated through the digital platform: YouTube. My analysis focuses on various interconnected significant materialities. Throughout the study, I point out that the school does not provide a significant space in everyday life for a moving body. Along my journey, I also discuss how pedagogical practices remain centered around a rationalist/positivist heritage, focusing on a learning process centered on subject adaptation, a heritage that has not been sufficiently revised. The analyzed materialities access different memories of meanings in contrast to ingrained ideals and values regarding the body object in the school context. Contrary to the controlled body of rationality, I see a body that is affected and affects is revealed, a body in a state of enjoyment that produces meanings that break away from the surroundings. Through listening to the discourses present in the analyzed corpus, I was able to elaborate on some meanings of the school in relation to this particular "inappropriateness" of the dancing body. By being outside the realm of the memory of the body legitimized by the institution, the students dancing in the video brought forth the contradiction between the obedient body and the moving body. This allowed me to understand that in the school context, they experience a body that goes beyond being a mere instrument for reproducing hierarchical relationships. The discourse analysis of the video, therefore, shed light on the encounter of two worlds: that of the everyday school and the misunderstanding of this everyday by a "misfit" body. From this perspective, it enables the reflection that dance is a possible space for the occurrence of a body that symbolically (re)exists within the school.
Aparece nas coleções:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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