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Title: Análise da proposta curricular do ensino de português escrito como segunda língua para estudantes surdos usuários da libras
Other Titles: Analysis of the curriculum proposal for teaching written portuguese as a second language for deaf students using libras
Authors: Martins, Raquel Márcia Fontes
Martins, Raquel Márcia Fontes
Amorim, Márcia Fonseca de
Passos, Rosana
Keywords: Análise linguística
Proposta curricular
Português escrito
Linguistic analysis
Curriculum proposal
Written Portuguese
Issue Date: 16-Nov-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VILELA, A. de F. Análise da proposta curricular do ensino de português escrito como segunda língua para estudantes surdos usuários da libras. 2023. 97 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: The acquisition of written Portuguese language by deaf students is a much debated and challenging topic for professionals in the field of education, concerning the literacy process. According to Quadros and Schmiedt (2006), the methodologies used do not favor the learning of these children because they are focused on the listeners environment, in which the oral- auditory methodology is used instead of the visuospatial methodology predominant in the communication of the deaf subject. Focusing on this issue of literacy for deaf students users of Libras, this research aims to analyze the Proposta Curricular para o Ensino de Português Escrito como Segunda Língua (Curriculum Proposal for Teaching Written Portuguese as a Second Language) for students in the first year of elementary school. This document was published in 2021 by Diretoria de Políticas de Educação Bilíngue de Surdos (DIPEBS), with the support of Secretaria de Modalidades Especiais (Semesp) and Ministério da Educação (MEC), and deals with bilingual education for the deaf with the aim of proposing a curriculum for teaching written Portuguese as a second language to serve this public. This research adopts a qualitative study methodology that proposes an analysis of the aforementioned teaching proposal of written Portuguese as a second language for literacy and education for the deaf. The theoretical framework adopted is based mainly on Quadros (1997), Goldfeld (2002), Quadros and Schmiedt (2006) and Góes (2012). The analysis indicates that the acquisition of the first language by the deaf child is essential, since this is the basis for the acquisition of the second one. In addition, it highlights the importance of the deaf child's interaction with children's books with pictures, Portuguese writing, storytelling and fingerspelling in Libras, the production of textbooks for the deaf, as well as the need for teachers who are proficient in Libras that can meet the needs of the deaf student user of Libras.
Appears in Collections:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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