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Title: Uso bioestimulantes na cultura do trigo em condições tropicais
Other Titles: Using biostimulants to grow wheat in tropical conditions
Authors: Santos, Adão Felipe dos
Pádua, José Maria Villela
Fronza, Vanoli
Nascimento, Vitor de Laia
Keywords: Biorreguladores
Trigo - Cultivo
Wheat - Cultivation
Triticum aestivum
Issue Date: 16-Nov-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VIOL, L. E. S. Uso bioestimulantes na cultura do trigo em condições tropicais. 2023. 159 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: Wheat cultivation in Brazil is still insignificant, despite the country being a world reference in grain production. As a result, the country is still heavily dependent on imports of this cereal to meet its domestic demand. Currently, there are high hopes of expanding wheat cultivation to other regions, beyond the South. However, there are still factors that limit this expansion, such as climatic and water conditions and the incidence of diseases. In view of the above, alternatives are needed to make it possible to grow wheat in these regions in a profitable and productive way and one of the bets for this is the use of biostimulants. This is because these products benefit plant growth and improve the absorption of water and nutrients. Considering these facts, the aim was to evaluate the effect of biostimulant products associated with different times of application, with a view to verifying the crop's productive response. The aim was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of the wheat and the grain yield in order to ascertain the viability of using these products in the wheat cultivation system. In this study, it was noted that there were no significant differences in the factors evaluated. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no reason to implement the use of biostimulants on rural tropical conditions.
Description: Arquivo retido, a pedido da autora, até novembro de 2024.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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