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Title: A formação de professores no âmbito do PRÉ-UNI/UFLA: a mobilização dos saberes docentes e das práticas pedagógicas
Other Titles: Teacher training in the context of PRE-UNI/UFLA: the mobilization of teachers' knowledge and pedagogical practices
Authors: Cabral, Giovanna Rodrigues
Ferreira, Wellington Donizete
Pimenta, Everton
Almeida, Patrícia Vasconcelos
Keywords: Formação de professores
Saberes docentes
Espaço formal
Programa de Apoio Pré-Universitário (Pré-Uni)
Universidade Federal de Lavras
Teacher education
Teaching knowledge
Formal space
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: OLIVEIRA, L. C. A formação de professores no âmbito do PRÉ-UNI:UFLA: a mobilização dos saberes docentes e das práticas pedagógicas. 2023. 60 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: Exercising the educational action, as a formative action is an extremely complex and highly responsible activity. The agent of this exercise must be qualified for the performance of his function. In this sense, undergraduate students and future teachers combine with scientific knowledge a whole list of activities that, gradually, will lead them to become aware of the complexity implied in their professional role. Supported especially in Tardif (2002), we show that the knowledge of a profession is constituted in a temporal way. That is, as the professional advances in his practice and is faced with difficulties and situations that require a certain degree of competence, he is constituted and expanded his areas of knowledge. For future teachers, this knowledge is revealed with the advancement of undergraduate studies in a theoretical and practical way, based on the experiences and formative spaces during the initial training in undergraduate courses so that this construction happens and favors the exercise of teaching practice. Therefore, the proposal of this research focused on the Pre-University Support Program - Pre-Uni carried out by the partnership between the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and the City Hall of Lavras, Minas Gerais, which is an extension action that aims to provide conditions for young people and adults to enter university graduation, coming from families in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability and who studied in public schools in Lavras, MG. Thus, this investigation aimed to verify if the Pre-Uni was configured as a space that provided the experience of teaching practice to UFLA undergraduates who acted as teachers in the years 2019/2020, thus mobilizing the teaching knowledge and, in particular, the development of experiential knowledge. The development of the investigation took place in two moments, the first was a survey of theoretical references to identify the supports about the importance of experiential knowledge in teacher education, and about how practical experience corroborates for a broad, reflective and critical formation. In a second moment, the immersion in the field of research was made, in order to contextualize the activities developed in the Pre-Uni, in an attempt to understand how the course is constituted as a formative space for teachers/students, from the praxis experienced by future teachers. This immersion also included the application of interviews, so that in the voice of the teachers/students, it was possible to infer about the knowledge that is mobilized in the development of the classes and about the impacts of the experience on the faculty constitution of the future teachers. As a result, we can identify from the voices of the interviewees that in fact the Pre-Uni is a space that provides the training of teachers in all aspects of teacher knowledge; it was also clear that the teachers went through all the knowledge during their practice in the course, so our hypothesis was confirmed.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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