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Title: Modelagem matemática na perspectiva sociocrítica: desafios e possibilidades de docentes na educação básica
Other Titles: Mathematical modeling from a sociocritical perspective: challenges and possibilities of teachers in basic education
Authors: Oliveira, Amanda Castro
Coporale, Silvia Maria Medeiros
Leandro, Everaldo Gomes
Keywords: Educação Matemática
Educação Matemática Crítica
Modelagem Matemática
Formação Continuada
Mathematics Education
Critical Mathematics Education
Mathematical Modeling
Continuing Education
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, Bruna maria da. Modelagem matemática na perspectiva sociocrítica: desafios e possibilidades de docentes na educação básica. 2023. 153p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: This work presents the research developed in the Graduate Program in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education of the Federal University of Lavras, whose intention was to answer the following research question: How to experience an environment about Mathematical Modeling can it contribute to the training of teachers who teach Mathematics in Basic Education? To answer this question, the objective is to understand what pedagogical potential, experiencing an environment about Mathematical Modeling from a sociocritical perspective, through a continuing education course, can provide teachers who teach Mathematics in Basic Education. To achieve this general objective, the following specific objectives are listed: (i) investigate the knowledge of teachers participating in the continuing education course on the use of Mathematical Modeling in the school context, understanding the possible challenges (insecurities and obstacles) in relation to work and/or adoption of the methodology; (ii) develop a learning environment on Mathematical Modeling from the perspective of Critical Mathematics Education; (iii) describe the experiences of teachers with Mathematical Modeling, through a discussion promoted on the reports before and after the experience of the learning environment promoted by the continuing education course; (iv) produce a Theoretical Training Guide (educational product) on the methodology of Mathematical Modeling in a socio-critical perspective that serves as a subsidy for continued training and practices in the classrooms of Basic Education teachers. This is a qualitative research, with action-research approaches. A continuing education course on Mathematical Modeling was promoted, called: 'An invitation to Mathematical Modeling in Basic Education'. This course took place exclusively remotely, due to the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19), made possible through the Google Meet platform, with the help of Google Classroom and had as participant’s eight teachers who teach Mathematics in public schools in Minas Gerais in the Final Years of Elementary and High School. The data constitution instruments included questionnaires, materials produced throughout the study (textual debates/syntheses, field diary, lesson plans and their presentations). The data analyzed in a descriptive way; the description had an interpretative analysis from the participant observation of the researcher. Together with the research carried out, a Theoretical Training Guide produced on the Methodology of Mathematical Modeling in a Sociocritical Perspective, made available as an educational product. Because of the research, the teaching team, at the end of the course, recognized Mathematical Modeling as a methodology with pedagogical potential, contributing to expand the repertoire of their classes. The data indicated that the offer of a continuing education course on Mathematical Modeling in the Sociocritical Perspective contributed both to the identification of the challenges faced by teachers, and to the offer of possibilities, which may contribute to their pedagogical practices of the Mathematics discipline, in classrooms of Basic Education classes.
Appears in Collections:Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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