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Title: Avaliação da educação superior no sistema estadual paulista: articulações entre o CEE/SP e Unesp/São José do Rio Preto
Keywords: Educação superior
Higher education
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Citation: OLIVEIRA , M. E. N.; BORGES, R. M.; BERNARDES, J. dos S. Avaliação da educação superior no sistema estadual paulista: articulações entre o CEE/SP e Unesp/São José do Rio Preto. Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 35, 2023.
Abstract: The article analyzes the evaluation processes carried out by the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), São José do Rio Preto campus and its relationship with the guidelines formulated within the São Paulo State Education Council (CEE/SP). This is documental research based on deliberations and opinions issued by CEE/SP, as well as on the Institutional Development Plans (PDI) and the five-year Institutional Evaluation Reports produced by UNESP/São José do Rio Preto. The analysis considered the cycles of the Institutional Evaluation of UNESP, which began in 2000, with the last report released in 2019. The collection for the evaluation and regulation gathers data from the undergraduate assessment, considering the Enade; the evaluation of Graduate Studies coordinated by Capes; the institutional evaluation of research, from all the evaluative and regulatory processes developed by the Institution; the institutional evaluation of the extension, according to the parameter of the National Policyof University Extension (PNEU); and the management, whose data reveal that the process is anchored in the management perspective, aiming at the best allocation of budget, financial and human resources in the HEI. The results show that UNESP follows the directives in the CEE/SP deliberations about the evaluation and regulation processes for HEIs. UNESP has a robust system integrated and interconnected with the various academic sectors, whose purpose is to collect institutional data from the different assessment processes that feed back into the Institution's general regulation system.
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