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Title: The pathogenicity of two Neospora caninum goat strains in a BALB/c mouse model
Keywords: Apicomplexa
Gene expression
Flow cytometry
Capra hircus
Expressão gênica
Citometria de fluxo
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Citation: COSTA, R. C. et al. The pathogenicity of two Neospora caninum goat strains in a BALB/c mouse model. Experimental Parasitology, [S.I.], v. 205, Oct. 2019. Não paginado.
Abstract: Goats are frequently described as an intermediate host for the protozoan Neospora caninum, manifesting the disease mainly by recurrent abortions with placentitis and encephalitis in fetuses. Several reports of natural and experimental infections in cattle and mice show differences in the immune response, and the outcome of the infection can be variable depending on the species affected and by the behavior of the infective strain. This study describes for the first time two Neospora caninum strains isolated from naturally infected goats from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. One placenta and one brain from different goats were processed for a first bioassay in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Subsequently, a second bioassay was performed by inoculating the processed brain samples from gerbils into Interferon gamma (IFN-γ) knockout mice (KO mice). Tachyzoites collected from the peritoneal fluid of the KO mice were inoculated into VERO cell monolayers, where they presented a very slow growth rate. The tachyzoites were also inoculated into BALB/c mice with a dose of 106 tachyzoites per animal. After a 5-week follow up, the animals infected with both of the strains developed a strong polarized Th1 response with increased serum and spleen gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (mainly IFN-γ and TNF-α) in the first week. Tissue lesions were mild in the animals infected with both strains. Despite the strong immune response preventing an infection in the visceral organs, the parasite was able to reach the brain, causing progressive brain lesions from the second to fifth week post infection. The NC-goat1-infected mice presented with severe meningoencephalitis, but the NC-goat2-infected animals had considerable histological brain lesions only at week 5. Immunohistochemical analysis of the mouse brains revealed a different pattern of inflammatory cells compared to the naturally infected goats. A severe inflammatory infiltrate of CD3+ T lymphocytes was found in the NC-goat1-infected mice. A more discrete infiltrate of CD3+ T cells was found in the NC-goat2-infected animals. Additionally, IBA1 IHC revealed an intense microglial reaction and monocyte perivascular cuffs in the NC-goat1-infected animals and lower microglia/monocyte infiltrates in the NC-goat2-infected mice. This work contributes knowledge on the pathogenicity of new Neospora caninum strains in mice, comparable with other well-established mouse models of the disease, and demonstrates the importance of studying goats as an intermediate host of this parasite.
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