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Título: Resultados econômicos de um sistema de produção de leite no município de Itutinga - MG
Título(s) alternativo(s): Economical results of milk system production at the municipal district of Itutinga - MG
Palavras-chave: Bovinocultura de leite
Custos de produção
Dairy cattle
Production costs
Data do documento: Jan-2012
Editor: Instituto de Zootecnia do Estado de São Paulo
Citação: LOPES, M. A. et al. Resultados econômicos de um sistema de produção de leite no município de Itutinga – MG. Boletim de Indústria Animal, Nova Odessa, v. 69, n.1, p. 23-31, jan./jun. 2012.
Resumo: It was aimed to study the return of a milk-production system situated in the town ofItutinga – MG, identify the components which exercised the greatest influence upon the final costsof the operation and the proportion of each of them related to the total income. The data werecolected from January of 2007 and December of 2008. The data processing and the return analysiswere performed by the software Cu$to Bovino Leite®, considerating gross margin, net marginand result (profit or loss) as economic efficiency indicators. The farm presented, per kg of milk,positive gross margin of US$ 0.03, negative net margin of US$ 0.01 and loss of US$ 0.15, its having,therefore, negative return of 9.29%. It follows that, under these conditions the business willsurvive only in the short run. With the exploitation of the production system, the business undergoeseconomic losses leading the dairy farmer to decapitilization.
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