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Título: Resultados econômicos de um sistema de produção de leite na região de Varginha - sul de Minas Gerais
Título(s) alternativo(s): Economic results of a milk production system in the area at Varginha - South of Minas Gerais State
Palavras-chave: Bovinocultura de leite
Custos de produção
Produção de leite - Rentabilidade
Dairy cattle
Production costs
Milk production - Profitability
Data do documento: Jan-2011
Editor: Instituto de Zootecnia do Estado de São Paulo
Citação: LOPES, M. A. et al. Resultados econômicos de um sistema de produção de leite na região de Varginha - sul de Minas Gerais. Boletim de Indústria Animal, Nova Odessa, v. 68, n. 1, p. 7-15, jan./jun. 2011.
Resumo: We studied the profitability of a milk production system, located in the area atVarginha, in the south of Minas Gerais, identifying the components that exercised higher influenceon the effective operational cost, as well as the representation of each on lelated to the totalincome. The data were collected from January to December of 2008. For data entry, as well as theprofitability analysis, the Cu$to Bovino Leite® software was used considering the total andoperational cost methodologies. In the analysis, for presenting negative gross and liquid margins,and negative results it was concluded that the milk production system analyzed is entering intodebt and decapitalized due to the revenues earned were not even enough to pay the effectiveoperating expenses. The component items of the effective operational cost that exercised higherinfluence on the the milk income and effective operational cost were: feeding, labor, taxes andfees, sanitation, milking, miscellaneous expenses, reproduction and energy.
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