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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 568
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2023Effect of induced transition on the quantum entanglement and coherence in two-coupled double quantum dots systemDahbi, Zakaria; Anka, Maron F.; Mansour, Mostafa; Rojas, Moises; Cruz, Clebson
2023Sensorial analysis of categorized data of special coffee to identify similar crop seasons pairs using KappaSilva, Jackelya; Cirilo, Marcelo Angelo; Borém, Flávio Meira; Ribeiro, Diego Egídio; Manuel, Loureço
2023Three- and four-point functions in CPT-even Lorentz-violating scalar QEDAltschul, B.; Brito, L. C. T.; Felipe, J. C. C.; Karki, S.; Lehum, A. C.; Petrov, A. Yu.
Dez-2022Stanford & Smith nonlinear model in the description of CO2 evolved from soil treated with swine manure: maximum entropy priorSilva, Edilson Marcelino; Jane, Sérgio Alberto; Fernandes, Felipe Augusto; Silva, Édipo Menezes da; Muniz, Joel Augusto; Fernandes, Tales Jesus
Set-2022Comparison of nonlinear models for the description of carbon mineralization in degraded pasture soil and in soils with plant coverVilela, Marina de Souza Leonel; Silva, Edilson Marcelino; Fruhauf, Ariana Campos; Silva, Édipo Menezes da; Muniz, Joel Augusto; Fernandes, Tales Jesus
Nov-2022Modelling soil water retention to identify management influence on soil pore characteristicsSilva, Rodrigo Fonseca da; Moura, Ernandes Guedes; Liska, Gilberto Rodrigues; Oliveira, Geraldo César de; Ferreira, Daniel Furtado; Dias Junior, Moacir de Souza; Santos, Glênio Guimarães
Abr-2023Mathematical models to explain the origin of urban scaling lawsRibeiro, Fabiano L.; Rybski, Diego
Nov-2022Economic analysis of a photovoltaic energy system in the activation of hydroponic systemsReis, Milena de Souza Morais; Paula, Vanderson Rabelo de; Volpato, Carlos Eduardo Silva; Barbosa, Ronald Leite; Reis, Luis Lessi dos
Nov-2022Baum-Bott residue of flags of holomorphic distributionsSilva, Antonio Marcos Ferreira da; Lourenço, Fernando
31-Dez-2022Statistical characterization of spatial and size distributions of particles in composite materials used in the manufacturing of biomedical instrumentsScalon, João Domingos; Silva, Victor Ferreira da; Oliveira, Wélson Antônio de; Peixoto, Mateus Santos
31-Dez-202240th Anniversary of the Brazilian Journal of BiometricsRodrigues, Paulo Canas; Fernandes, Tales Jesus; Scalon, João Domingos; Malheiros, Euclides Braga
2022Fuzzy modelling to describe the pollutant concentration in fluidsAlcino, M. S.; Salgado, S. A. B.; Pires, D. M.; Souza, S. M. de; Armindo, R. A.; Silva, N. C. da
4-Mar-2022Detection of cancer in animal tissues: a wavelet approachSáfadi, Thelma
Mai-2022Computational simulation of an aerodynamic profile of a vehicle SAE formula type using OpenFOAMNunes, Lúcio Vargas de Albuquerque; Freire, Evelise Roman Corbalan Góis; Ansoni, Jonas Laerte
29-Jun-2022One-loop calculations in CPT-even Lorentz-breaking scalar QEDScarpelli, A. P. Baêta; Felipe, J. C. C.; Brito, L. C. T.; Petrov, A. Yu.
2022Fitting extreme value copulas with unimodal convex polynomial regression using Bernstein polynomialsPrado, Danielle Gonçalves de Oliveira; Chaves, Lucas Monteiro; Souza, Devanil Jaques de; Eugênio Filho, Eleanderson Campos
Jan-2022Robust modified classical spherical tests in the presence of outliersCampos, Laíla Luana; Ferreira, Daniel Furtado
12-Jul-2022Editorial: the physics of citiesRibeiro, Fabiano L.; Perc, Matjaž; Ribeiro, Haroldo V.
8-Jan-2022Modeling the linear drag on falling balls via interactive fuzzy initial value problemSalgado, Silvio Antonio Bueno; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, Sérgio Martins de; Pires, Danilo Machado; Ferreira, Leandro
Mai-2022Robust computationally intensive and asymptotic tests for compound symmetry structureSilva, Bruna da Costa; Ferreira, Daniel Furtado
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 21 para 40 de 568