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Título: Volatile compounds for biotechnological applications produced during competitive interactions between yeasts and fungi
Palavras-chave: Aspergillus
Microbial interactions
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Data do documento: 2023
Editor: Wiley
Citação: RIBEIRO, L. S. Volatile compounds for biotechnological applications produced during competitive interactions between yeasts and fungi. Journal of Basic Microbiology, [S.l.], 2023.
Resumo: Fungi, yeasts and bacteria produce volatile compounds during their metabolism. Inthis study, the volatile compounds produced by yeast strains (SaccharomycescerevisiaeandRhodotorula mucilaginosa)andfungalstrains(Aspergillus carbonariusandAspergillus ochraceus) during competitive interactions were investigated bysolid‐phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.Fifty‐six volatile compounds were identifiedrepresenting alcohols, aldehydes,esters, ketones, aromatic compounds, acids, furans, phenols, and nitrogencompounds, being the largest amount in the class of esters and alcohols. Eightcompounds were identified only in interactive culture conditions such as 2‐amino‐1‐propanol, isopropylamine, dimethylamine, pentyl propanoate, ethyl‐2‐aminopropanoate, acetone, oxalic acid, andβ‐elemene and five of these wereproduced in cocultures includingA. carbonarius. These will be developed for futurebiotechnological applications such as in the pharmaceutical and biological industryto produce drugs. Antimicrobial and antifungal activities; Solvent and herbicide;flavoring ingredient; solvent, plastic synthesis, nail polish remover and thinner,pesticide and herbicide; important in thecomplexation of minerals in the soil; andplant‐environment interactions, defending predators, pathogens, and competitors.
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