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Title: Narrativas da pessoa surda sobre a história de uma cidade mineira: análise à luz da linguística sistêmico funcional
Other Titles: Narratives of the deaf about the history of a city in minas gerais: analysis in the light of systemic functional linguistics
Authors: Romero, Tania Regina de Souza
Almeida, Fabíola Aparecida Sartin Dutra Parreira
Costa, Josiane Marques da
Keywords: Libras
Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF)
Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS)
Língua de sinais
Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL)
Sign language
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: NEVES, P. E. S. Narrativas da pessoa surda sobre a história de uma cidade mineira: análise à luz da linguística sistêmico funcional. 2022. 69 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: This paper is subsidized by Systemic-Functional Linguistics elaborated by Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), discussed by Fuzer and Cabaral (2014) regarding the Transitivity System. It brings the theoretical assumptions of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and issues associated with Deaf Culture and identities as elaborated by Perlin (1998), Gesser (2009), Reis (2006), about the Translator and Interpreter of Libras according to the existing legislations and concepts of Inclusion, based on the United Nations (2016), Oxoby (2009) and Sassaki (1997). Narratives and Identities by Bruner (1990), Berthes (2011), Letouzé (2019), Romero (2020) highlight the importance of narratives in human life, which justifies the starting point of this study. The research had as a general objective to identify what deaf people know about the history of the city where they live in and how, in their view, they can have more access to the historical sites listed by Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage - IPHAN. The specific objectives aim to verify what deaf people know about the history of their city; to know what these people suggest to have access to history; and to identify in language, based on the transitivity system, what meanings are constructed in the responses of deaf people to the interview questions. Therefore, the research is grounded in the qualitative perspective (Minayo, 2010) of the interviews are analyzed linguistically, and is quantitative (Fonseca, 2002) because it uses the numerical data of the transitivity elements to back up linguistically the interpretations of the enterviers sayings. Analysis of the reports is divided into 3 macro categories, namely: 1) What deaf people know about the history of their city; 2) What are the difficulties faced by the deaf; 3) Suggestions for accessibility. Based on the analysis of the reports, it can be seen that deaf people do not know the importance and history of their own city due to lack of linguistic accessibility. This reinforces the need to discuss the importance of public policies so that minority groups are not segregated. It is suggested as an intervention of linguistic accessibility the use of accessible videos in Libras about the history of the city and other tourist attractions and made available on a digital platform, which is in line with practices adopted in other museums such as the Espaço do Conhecimento, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and the guided tour of the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow) in Rio de Janeiro. The linguistic analysis of transitivity indicates significant amounts of existential processes that endorse the lack of linguistic accessibility for deaf people in places where there is tourist visitation, besides the emphasis on the desire by the collaborators to enjoy these spaces, linguistically proven by the desiderative mental process. This research will enable reflections on the need and importance of linguistic accessibility for deaf people and, thus, instigations on the creation of some legal instruments that meet the existing laws, stimulating other events and movements that cover the language of deaf people.
Appears in Collections:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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