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Title: The potential of algae and aquatic macrophytes in the pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) environmental removal: a review
Keywords: Bioremediation
Emerging contaminants
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Aquatic environments
Contaminantes emergentes
Produtos farmacêuticos e de cuidados pessoais
Ambientes aquáticos
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: COUTO, E. et al. The potential of algae and aquatic macrophytes in the pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) environmental removal: a review. Chemosphere, Oxford, v. 302, 134808, Sept. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134808.
Abstract: The presence of emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), in aquatic environments has received increasing attention in the last years due to the various possible impacts on the dynamics of the natural environment and human health. In global terms, around 771 active pharmaceutical substances or their transformation products have been detected at levels above their respective detection limit. Additionally, 528 different compounds have been detected in 159 countries. Seeking to overcome potential ecotoxicological problems, several studies have been conducted using different technologies for PPCPs removal. Recently, the use of macro, microalgae, and aquatic macrophytes has been highlighted due to the excellent bioremediation capacity of these organisms and easy acclimatization. Thus, the present review aims to outline a brief and well-oriented scenario concerning the knowledge about the bioremediation alternatives of PPCPs through the use of macro, microalgae, and aquatic macrophytes. The characteristics of PPCPs and the risks of these compounds to the environment and human health are also addressed. Moreover, the review indicates the opportunities and challenges for expanding the use of biotechnologies based on algae and aquatic macrophytes, such as studies dedicated to relate the operational criteria of these biotechnologies with the main PPCPs removal mechanisms. Finally, algae and macrophytes can compose green and ecological biotechnologies for wastewater treatment, having great contribution to PPCPs removal.
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