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Title: Estudo da análise e viabilidade de aplicação de conceitos da organização do trabalho na produção em uma lanchonete na região do Alto Paranaíba
Other Titles: Study of the analysis and feasibility of applying concepts of work organization in production in a cafeteria in the Alto Paranaíba region
Keywords: Serviços alimentares
Setor alimentício
Food services
Food sector
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: MELO, G. A. de et al. Estudo da análise e viabilidade de aplicação de conceitos da organização do trabalho na produção em uma lanchonete na região do Alto Paranaíba. Brazilian Journals of Business, Curitiba, v. 3, n. 3, p. 2540-2554, jul. /set. 2021.
Abstract: This article has as its object of study a microenterprise that produces and sells food, in which a diagnosis of the enterprise is carried out in order to seek proposals for improvements and changes through the tools provided by the Organization of Work in Production. For this study, there was a focus on a quantitative approach, using interviews (with the owner and employees) and a visit to observe the daily life and production process of the company. The results showed that despite being a family business, not having well formalized organizational characteristics, it is concerned with applying improvements, as well as maintaining the quality of the products and services provided.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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