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Title: Cafeeiros recém implantados com diferentes técnicas agronômicas visando a otimização da água
Other Titles: Newly implemented coffee trees with different agronomic techniques aiming to optimize the water
Authors: Guimarães, Rubens José
Guimarães, Rubens José
Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo
Carvalho, Alex Mendonça de
Keywords: Coffea arabica L.
Solos - Déficit hídrico
Manejo da cobertura do solo
Condicionadores de solo
Otimização da água
Soils - Water deficit
Land cover management
Soil conditioners
Water optimization
Issue Date: 7-Apr-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: FIGUEIREDO, O. J. de. Cafeeiros recém implantados com diferentes técnicas agronômicas visando a otimização da água. 2022. 68 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of different agronomic techniques in the growth and physiology of the coffee plant, aiming at the optimization of water. The experiment was conducted in the field, at the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA, in Lavras - MG, from November 2020 to October 2021. The factors under study were arranged in a 3x5 factorial scheme, randomized blocks, with 3 replications, making a total of 45 treatments allocated in the experimental area in two different experiments with the cultivars Mundo Novo IAC 376-4 and Arara, in split plots. Three soil “managements/types of cover” (polyethylene film, ecological management of brachiaria and conventional management without cover) and five soil conditioners (coffee husk, organic compost, agricultural gypsum, chitosan and control-treatment control) were studied. Plant growth, physiological characteristics, leaf water potential and soil moisture were evaluated. For data analysis, analysis of variance, Tukey's test at 5% significance and correlation of matrices between growth and physiological variables and climatic characteristics were carried out during the evaluation period. The use of polyethylene film in soil cover management contributes to plant growth and improves soil moisture conditions in the driest periods, providing good results in leaf retention when combining the polyethylene film with coffee husks, organic compound and chitosan.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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