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Title: Ensino de Microbiologia: uma alternativa ao laboratório tradicional a partir da história e filosofia da ciência e metodologia da problematização
Other Titles: Microbiology teaching: an alternative to traditional laboratory from the history and philosophy of science and methodology of problematization view
Enseñanza de Microbiología: una alternativa al laboratorio tradicional desde la historia y filosofía de la ciencia y de metodología de la problematización
Keywords: Microbiologia
Laboratório escolar
História e filosofia da Ciência
Metodologia da problematização
School laboratory
History and philosophy of Science
Methodology of problematization
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
Citation: ROSA, M. M. de S.; FESTOZO, M. B.; VERA, J. A. C. N. Ensino de Microbiologia: uma alternativa ao laboratório tradicional a partir da história e filosofia da ciência e metodologia da problematização. REnCiMa, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 1, p. 1-23, jan./mar. 2021.
Abstract: This paper proposesto describe and analyze the development of three classesdidactic aboutMicrobiology, conducted in a school laboratory of a state school of Minas Gerais in the second semester of 2019, seeking to analyze its potentialities and limitations. The classes were developed during a supervised internship, associating History and Philosophy of Science, Problem Methodology and the execution of an experiment. Through participant observation, the classes were recorded in an on-board notebook and, atthe end of the practice, students were asked to evaluate the classes. These statements were analyzed qualitatively through Content Analysis. After analyzing the statements, it was possible to perceive the importance of the History and Philosophy of Science in order to avoid the fragmentation of knowledge, avoiding a distorted, ahistorical and non-social view of Science. Still, they highlighted the importance of problematizations that bring students' daily lives to the educational environment, providing a more meaningful learning. It is also worth highlighting the importance of rethinking the use of the school laboratory, building practices that transcend the technicist and dichotomous bias between theory and practice historically followed. Finally, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing anti-scientific movement in the country, debates about living scientific issues become even more necessary, seeking to equip individuals so that they are able to assess the facts disclosed by the media and identify the role of Science in their lives.
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