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Title: Ações afirmativas e políticas de cotas: construindo um projeto técnico de equidade no IFSudeste MG Campus Barbacena
Other Titles: Affirmative actions and quota policies: building a technical equity project at IFSudeste MG Campus Barbacena
Authors: Moreira, Marcelo Sevaybricker
Euclides, Maria Simone
Lourenço, Cleria Donizete da Silva
Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Souza
Pereira, Viviane Santos
Keywords: Ações afirmativas
Relações raciais
Ensino superior - Sistema de cotas
Políticas de cotas
Acesso à educação
Affirmative action
Race relations
Higher Education - Quota policies
Access to education
Issue Date: 7-Feb-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: PEREIRA, L. M. Ações afirmativas e políticas de cotas: construindo um projeto técnico de equidade no IFSudeste MG Campus Barbacena. 2021. 209 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: The proposed study the issue of inequality and denial of rights and opportunities to the black population in Brazil with regard to Higher Education, space that historically restricted itself to the privileged elite for more than a century. This scenario has changed in recente decades, although slowly, through initiatives of social movements, such as the Black Movement and Other civil Society movements, which pressured the government, in order to guarantee the right to populations excluded from opportunities for access and participation in social, cultural, political and economic life. Law 12.711/2012, know as the Quota Law, was sanctioned in 2012, reserving 50% of the vacancies in universities and other Public Higher Education Institutions, for students from public schools, low-income. In the context of reserved vacancies, a percentagem was applied to blacks and indigenous peoples and the disabled. The method used in this study was a descriptive exploratory research, with the purpose of analyzing the affirmative quota policy at the Federal Institute of Southeast MG, Barbacena Campus, during the period of implementation of quotas in the aforementioned institution, years 2013, 2014 and 2015. The presente work developed in a professional master’s program, was structured in two distict axes: onde anchored in a scientific study addressing the public policy of quotas in the institution subject to the study. The other developed through five practical actions, formulated with the intention of strengthening the quota policy in the IF Sudeste MG, Barbacena Campus, being: an integration seminar; an informative booklet on the printed theme; an information book in virtual format; an institutional teaching project on the subject and a profile on the social network “Instagram” addressing the theme quotas in higher education, all with the objective of contribuing to discussion in the academic community, about quota policies, with a cut-out in law, in the inclusion and promotion of black and brown students, in addition to respect for diversity, in the institution analyzed and beyond, in society in general. The investigative research revealed that the institution analyzed complied with the determinations of the Quota Law, in addition to opportunistic to the quota holders participation in student engagement programs: scholarships for scientific initiation, extension and research; exchange; paid internship; athete scholarship; integration into student events; student assistance; among others. This study also pointed out that the IF Southeast Barbacena Campus needs to advance on the issue of the inclusion of the racial theme, in the curriculum matrix of the various courses, in addition to expanding events that discuss racial issues, racismo and themes that value the Brazilian black population. Thus, it was concluded that the affirmative policy of quotas in Brazil, needs to be continued and improved in so that its benefit is verified in the long term. Moreover, it is still necessary to move forward with regard to the inclusion of the racial theme, in accordance with Law 10.639/2003.
Appears in Collections:Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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