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Title: Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fuerza explosiva de niñas puberes practicantes de voleibol
Other Titles: Effects of plyometric training on explosive strength in pubescent girls volleyball players
Keywords: Ejercicio pliométrico
Potencia muscular
Plyometric exercise
Muscle power
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Retos
Citation: VILELA, G. et al. Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fuerza explosiva de niñas puberes practicantes de voleibol. Retos, [S. l.], v. 40, 2021. DOI: 10.47197/retos.v1i40.77666.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plyometric training (PT) on muscle power (PR) of the lower limbs in girls volleyball players aged ( n=78; 12.18 ± 1.27years). Participants were divided according to the degree of maturation into control group (GC = 48 with maturity level 2 = 11; 3 = 19; 4 = 19) and working group (GT = 30 with maturity degree 2 = 10; 3 = 10; 4 = 10). held three sessions per week of volleyball and experimental group - EG n = 24, which held in addition of 3 weekly sessions of volleyball, more 3 weekly sessions of PT that comprised the multi jump, jump over hurdle and drop jumps. For pre- and post-training evaluation test was used Squat Jump, Counter Moviment Jump and Jump Drop Abalakov. The statistical student t test for significance Pre-post (p <0.05) and the analysis of the magnitude of the effect. The results reported no significant differences training post despite posting small to moderate effect sizes. It is concluded that the polymetric training did not generate positive effects on the saltability of pubertal girls who practice volleyball.
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