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Title: Low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth reduction combined with a Hill-Climbing strategy
Keywords: Bandwidth reduction
Sparse matrix
Ant colony optimization
Reordering algorithms
Hill-Climbing procedure
Redução da largura de banda
Matriz esparsa
Otimização de colônia de formigas
Algoritmos de reordenação
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: OLIVEIRA, S. L. G. de; SILVA, L. M. Low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth reduction combined with a Hill-Climbing strategy. RAIRO-Operations Research, Montreuil, v. 55, n. 4, p. 2247-2264, July/Aug. 2021. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2021102.
Abstract: This paper studies heuristics for the bandwidth reduction of large-scale matrices in serial computations. Bandwidth optimization is a demanding subject for a large number of scientific and engineering applications. A heuristic for bandwidth reduction labels the rows and columns of a given sparse matrix. The algorithm arranges entries with a nonzero coefficient as close to the main diagonal as possible. This paper modifies an ant colony hyper-heuristic approach to generate expert-level heuristics for bandwidth reduction combined with a Hill-Climbing strategy when applied to matrices arising from specific application areas. Specifically, this paper uses low-cost state-of-the-art heuristics for bandwidth reduction in tandem with a Hill-Climbing procedure. The results yielded on a wide-ranging set of standard benchmark matrices showed that the proposed strategy outperformed low-cost state-of-the-art heuristics for bandwidth reduction when applied to matrices with symmetric sparsity patterns.
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