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Title: Análise das práticas pedagógicas para o ensino da célula desenvolvidas durante a disciplina de Biologia no Programa de Apoio Pré-Universitário UFLA
Other Titles: Analysis of pedagogical practices to teach the cell developed during the Biology subject at UFLA’s Pre-University Support Program
Análisis de prácticas pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la célula desarollada durante la asignatura de Biología en el Programa de Apoyo Pré-Universitario de la UFLA
Keywords: Biologia - Ensino
Metodologias não convencionais
Práticas pedagógicas
Curso pré-universitário
Biology teaching
Pedagogical practices
Unconventional methodologies
Pre-university course
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Faculdade Sul Fluminense
Citation: ROSA, M. M. de S. et al. Análise das práticas pedagógicas para o ensino da célula desenvolvidas durante a disciplina de Biologia no Programa de Apoio Pré-Universitário UFLA. Revista Valore, Volta Redonda, v. 6, p. 1376-1388, 2021. Edição Especial. DOI:
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze how the use of unconventional teaching methodologies contributes to arouse the interest, charm and participation of students from a pre-university course at the Federal University of Lavras. The classes were held in the first semester of 2019 and the methodologies used were: Expository-dialogued classes, Problem-solving Methodology, Historical-philosophical Contextualization of Science and Group Dynamics. The classes were evaluated by the students and analyzed qualitatively. It was noticed that the use of unconventional methodologies favored students' motivation, enchantment and participation. We understand that such factors are fundamental for their learning, enabling them to understand society and act on it.
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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