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Title: Contribuições das atividades experimentais investigativas para a promoção de habilidades cognitivas no ensino superior em química
Other Titles: Contributions of experimental activities investigative for the promotion cognitive abilities in higher education in chemistry
Authors: Suart, Rita de Cássia
Martorano, Simone Alves de Assis
Junqueira, Marianna Meirelles
Keywords: Ensino por investigação
Atividades experimentais
Níveis de investigação
Habilidades cognitivas
Research teaching
Experimental activities
Research levels
Cognitive abilities
Issue Date: 24-Jan-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, F. N. da. Contribuições das atividades experimentais investigativas para a promoção de habilidades cognitivas no ensino superior em química. 2021. 141 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Científica e Ambiental) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: In view of the most diverse studies and reflections on the current changes in Science Teaching, the importance of incorporating, in teaching practice, activities that are anchored in a teaching approach by investigation, in order to enable students to understand and use the concepts, is noticeable. studied in everyday situations. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the contributions of two investigative experimental scripts, as well as the classes taught from the perspective of the Teaching by Investigation approach, for the manifestation of Cognitive Skills by students of a Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry. The first script designed was intended to build, together with the students, concepts related to the practice of Preparation of Solutions and Dilution, and the second script, to develop concepts related to Chemical Kinetics. Through the results obtained, it was found that the activities proposed in the perspective of the Teaching by Investigation approach brought contributions to the construction of knowledge and skills by the students. However, when analyzing the proposed activities, there was a need for adjustments, as a problem that is better related to the reality of students, issues of higher cognitive orders, so that there is more significant learning, in addition to the development of different skills, as the elaboration of hypotheses, making inferences, comparing data, by the students. Therefore, it is necessary that Teaching by Investigation is understood in training courses as an important didactic approach that contributes so that students can actively participate in the activities and that they master scientific concepts, but also that they are more critical citizens and active in the environment in which they are inserted and the teachers involved are able to recognize the contributions of this teaching approach, both for scientific and civic education.
Appears in Collections:Educação Científica e Ambiental - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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