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Title: Uso de antioxidantes naturais na alimentação de gatos senis frente a desafio por estresse induzido
Other Titles: Use of natural antioxidants in the diets of senior cats exposed to an induced stress
Authors: Saad, Flávia Maria de Oliveira Borges
Lisenko, Karen Guttenkunst
Saad, Carlos Eduardo do Prado
Keywords: Felinos - Antioxidantes naturais
Capacidade antioxidante total
Felinos - Estresse
Felines - Natural Antioxidants
Total antioxidant capacity
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: DIAS, D. de S. Uso de antioxidantes naturais na alimentação de gatos senis frente a desafio por estresse induzido. 2021. 59 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia da Produção Animal) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: For cats, everyday situations are potentially stressful agents, such as trips to the vet and the presence of strange people. These stressful situations lead to an increase in the production of free radicals, which are associated with several diseases. Dietary antioxidants play an important role in helping to protect the body against damage caused by oxidative stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of adding natural antioxidants to cats' diets. Thirty senile cats (from 8 to 14 years old) were used and were divided into 5 homogeneous groups, being 6 animals per group. The experimental diets were: Control (extruded super premium dry cat food); XT - super premium dry cat food + curcumin and capsaicin; XTPP - super premium dry cat food + curcumin and capsaicin + polyphenol blend; XTCB - super premium dry cat food + curcumin and capsaicin + cranberry extract; XTME - super premium dry cat food + curcumin and capsaicin + melon extract. The experimental period was 71 days. Blood and urine collections were carried out on days 0, 50, 61 and 71. On days 60 and 61, the animals were submitted to an induced stress, through a visit to the nearby dogs' kennel in transportation boxes, and pan noises (potential common stressors for domestic cats). The parameters obtained were: cortisol, TBARS, superoxide dismutase, catalase, nitric oxide, total antioxidant capacity, and urinary parameters. No significant differences were noticed in urinary parameters (P>0.05). XTCB and XTME diets presented higher T-AOC levels (P<0.05), and XTME also showed higher Catalase levels, and greater reduction in TBARS levels after the stress induction. The supplementation of natural antioxidants was effective in improving the oxidative status of senile cats under induced stress.
Appears in Collections:Ciência e Tecnologia da Produção Animal - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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