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Title: Aves que forragearam frutos e insetos em uma árvore exótica de caqui-japonês (Diospyros kaki L.F., Ebenaceae) durante sua frutificação
Keywords: Frugivoria
Avifauna - Conservação
Birds - Conservation
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: Fundação Jardim Botânico de Poços de Caldas
Citation: MOURA, A. S. de et al. Aves que forragearam frutos e insetos em uma árvore exótica de caqui-japonês (Diospyros kaki L.F., Ebenaceae) durante sua frutificação. Regnellea Scientia, Poços de Caldas, v. 6, n. 3, p. 87-95, set. 2020.
Abstract: The present study had as main objective to report species of birds that foraged the fruits of japanese-persimmon, and also foraged insects in the tree during its fruiting. The records were obtained through observations on a tree in the south of the state of Minas Gerais, in a region of Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range. Were reported twenty-two species of birds that visited the tree. We have evidenced that the persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki) is a plant that can favor the conservation of avifauna in the southern region of the state of Minas Gerais, as its fruiting occurs in the dry period of the year (winter) when native plants are generally with low production of fruits.
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