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Title: Resgatando o prazer em se aprender Matemática: uma sequência didática aplicada aos alunos do sexto ano
Other Titles: Rescuing the pleasure of learning Math: a teaching sequence applied to sixth grade students
Authors: Silva, Antonio Marcos Ferreirada
Coutinho, Andreia da Silva
Cesana, Andressa
Keywords: Educação matemática
História da matemática
Atividades lúdicas e concretas
Mathematics education
History of mathematics
Playful and concrete activities
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, T. G. de C. Resgatando o prazer em se aprender Matemática: uma sequência didática aplicada aos alunos do sexto ano. 2021. 100 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: In this work we could show that it is possible to rescue the pleasure for learning Mathematics by students throughout playful and concrete activities that provide greater interaction and experience by them. For its development, we made a study of the results of IDEB, PROVA BRASIL, SIMAVE and PISA tests in order to observe how Mathematical knowledge has been absorbed by students in recent years. We report a little about the history of Mathematics, the history of teaching Mathematics from Brazil and the changes that BNCC takes for us. We could realize that despite the low grades the aforementioned tests, we are highlighted in scientific studies in the Mathematical area. We implemented a project for students from sixth grade with the aim of making the study and learning of mathematics more enjoyable. With the results obtained on this work and the feedback given by the students, we concluded that Math is present everywhere and it can be more pleasurable and meaningful when it is applied through activities that provide greater interaction and experience with students.
Appears in Collections:Matemática em Rede Nacional - PROFMAT - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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