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Title: O trabalho com gênero meme em sala de aula: potencialidades para a formação do leitor
Other Titles: The work with genre memes in the classroom: potentialities for a reader training
Keywords: Gêneros discursivos
Discursive genre
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Citation: SILVA, J. M. da; BOTELHO, S. M.; FERREIRA, H. M. O trabalho com gênero meme em sala de aula: potencialidades para a formação do leitor. Revista Periferia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, n. 3, p. 302-321, set./dez. 2020. DOI: 10.12957/periferia.2020.44346.
Abstract: The present study elects as an object of reflection the potentialities of the memes genre for the formation of the reader. This research had as intent to compile studies that deal with the genre meme –a cultural manifestation that has been highlighted in recent times on the Internet. Thus, this research aims to: (i) present a study on the genre memes and highlight the self these papers discuss about their applications in the classroom, and (ii) analyze, from the perspective of the genre of discourse, the thematic content, the compositional plan and the style of Language of the meme. To achieve the proposed objective, a bibliographical study was carried out, with a view to theoretically substantiate the study based on Bakhtin (2003), Braga (2018), Horta (2015), Santos (2013), among others. In addition, this paper presents the results of an analysis of three video memes. Such propositions have a focused focus on the thematic content, the compositional plane, and the meme style. It is hoped that as reflections is a task that allows to illuminate the trajectory of the teachers, the pedagogical potentialities, since the work with the genre memes the classroom, besides mobilizing the student's interest for a learning, can favor an extension of multilevel skills.
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