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Title: Entre raios e coriscos: estudo geolinguístico em Minas Gerais nos dados do ALiB e do EALMG
Keywords: Variação lexical
Fenômenos atmosféricos
Atlas linguísticos
Lexical variation
Atmospheric phenomena
Linguistic atlases
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Núcleo de Pesquisa e Estudos Sociolinguísticos e Dialetológicos - NUPESD/UEMS
Citation: ROMANO, V. P.; CRUZ, J. A. Entre raios e coriscos: estudo geolinguístico em Minas Gerais nos dados do ALiB e do EALMG. Sociodialeto, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 30, p. 274-300, abr. 2020.
Abstract: This article sets out a discussion about lexical variation in the State of Minas Gerais based on geolinguisticdata, which are documented in the corpus of the Atlas Linguistic Project of Brazil –AliB and in the letters of the Outline of a Linguistic Atlas of Minas Gerais –EALMG (RIBEIRO et al. 1977). Designations covering concepts for three questions from the ALiB Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire are studied (ALiB PROJECT NATIONAL COMMITTEE, 2001), namely, lightning (SLQ 8), thunderbolt (SLQ 9) and thunder (SLQ 10,) recorded from 92 urban informants speeches from 23 cities in Minas Gerais. Variants elicited from the ALiB corpus are compared with those found in letters 16 and 18 of the EALMG, rural atlas. This article aims to discuss the linguistic variation and change in Minas Gerais speech and Minas Gerais speech division proposed by Zágari (2005 [1998]). The study revealed that there are differences in lexical variation considering both atlases, especially regarding the use of the word spark to name the word thunderbolt, there is a change in progress almost completed, given the informants profile and the diatopic distribution of the item. As for the dialectal division of the territory, data do not confirm the tripartition of Zágari (2005 [1998]), considering the analyzed corpora..
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