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Title: Avaliação da fertilidade do solo em sistema agroflorestal com cacaueiros e coqueiros em Ji-Paraná, Rondônia, Brasil
Other Titles: Evaluation of the soil fertility in agroforestry system with cocoa and coconut trees in JiParaná, Rondônia State, Brazil
Keywords: Agrosilvicultura
Theobroma cacao L
Ciclagem de nutrientes
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau
Citation: CIDIN, A. C. M. et al. Avaliação da fertilidade do solo em sistema agroflorestal com cacaueiros e coqueiros em Ji-Paraná, Rondônia, Brasil. Agrotrópica, Ilhéus, v. 21, n. 1, p. 65-72, jan./abr. 2009.
Abstract: . The objective of that work was to evaluate the chemical conditions of the soil in intercropping system with different arrangements of cocoa trees and coconut trees in Ji-Paraná, Rondônia state, Brazil. The avaluated treatments were: T1 - coconut trees (9,0 x 9,0 m) with two rows of cocoa trees (3,0 x 3,0 - 6,0 m) within the hedges, shaded with banana (Musa spp) and gliricidias (Gliricidia sepium L.); T2 - coconut trees (9,0 x 9,0 m) with two rows of cocoa trees (3,0 x 2,0 m) within the hedges, shaded for banana; T3 - coconut trees (9,0 x 9,0 m) with two rows of cocoa trees (2,5 x 2,5 m), shaded for banana and gliricidias; T4 - coconut trees (7,0 x 7,0 m) in triangle, with simple rows of cocoa trees (3,0 x 7,0 m) within the hedges, shaded for two rows of banana, one on each side of the cocoa trees; T5 - coconut trees (7,0 x 7,0 m) in triangle, with simple rows of cocoa trees (2,0 x 7,0 m) within the hedges, shaded for two rows of banana; T6 - area covered with primary forest. Calcium was the element that most varied in different arangements of the agroforestry system. The characteristics pH, saturation of bases (V) and the levels of phosphorus, potassium and aluminium showed no statitical differences between the forest and the various arrangements of SAF.
URI: file:///C:/Users/Andre/Desktop/agrotropica-2009v21n1.pdf
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