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Title: Agrupamento heterótico de milho usando marcadores SNPS
Other Titles: Heterotic grouping of maize using SNP markers
Authors: Pereira, Welison Andrade
Schuster, Ivan
Pereira, Welison Andrade
Pulcinelli, Carlos Eduardo
Schuster, Ivan
Keywords: Diversidade genética
Polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único
Zea mays
Genetic diversity
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
Issue Date: 15-Sep-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: OLIVEIRA, L. S. de. Agrupamento heterótico de milho usando marcadores SNPS. 2020. 40 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Abstract: The advances in genotyping technologies have transformed the way breeding programs manage their genetic resources. The identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can improve the understanding of genetic diversity among maize (Zea mays) inbred lines and their classification into heterotic groups, which is useful to guide certain crosses to generate hybrids with higher performance. The objective of this study was to classify maize inbred lines into groups with genotyping data. Genetic diversity of 293 genotypes was investigated with 5252 SNPs. The results showed that the SNPs distribution averaged 525 per chromosome. Polymorphism information content (PIC) averaged 0.297. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean analysis (UPGMA) and principal component analysis (PCA) based on a genetic distance matrix revealed similar clusters with high cophenetic correlation coefficients (0.953 and 0.863, respectively). The results demonstrated consistency compared to previously established heterotic groups using pedigree and breeding information, and also allowed further exploration of genetic variability by revealing subgroups within each group.
Appears in Collections:Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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