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Title: Recentes avanços e implicações práticas do uso de aminoácidos industriais na nutrição de porcas reprodutoras
Keywords: Fêmeas suínas
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Biblioteke Virtual
Citation: ABREU, M. L. T. et al. Recentes avanços e implicações práticas do uso de aminoácidos industriais na nutrição de porcas reprodutoras. Revista Científica de Produção Animal, [S.l.], v. 15, p. 31-41, 2013. DOI: 10.15528/2176-4158/rcpa.v15n1p31-41.
Abstract: Genetic improvement resulted in significant changes in the current sows. Positives aspects such as higher production of piglets and higher milk production, however, were accompanied by greater variability of birth litter, greater body wear of sows during lactation and lower life cycle of females. The roles of nutritionists are use potential of sows combined and minimize the current challenges. Some nutritional adjustments, mainly amino acids, are needed. Industrial amino acids can be used to provide protein adjustments for reproductive sow diets. Although most commonly used for finishing pigs it can have practical applications for the breeding animals. The main benefits of using industrial amino acids in the sow diets are: a) improving the efficiency of utilization of dietary protein; b) reducing the impact of waste pollution effects; c) improving animal response in hot conditions; d) reducing the negative impact of the nutritional variability of protein ingredients; e) reducing the costs of diets; f) improvements in performance through metabolic benefits provided by functional amino acids. Due to ad libitum feeding management, the lactations diets represents the greatest potential for industrial amino acids use. Functional amino acids can be a good option for pregnant sows. However, its application depends on economic factors such as prices of industrial amino acids and the main macroingredientes (protein and energy) used in diet formulation.
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