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Title: Modelagem matemática da cinética de secagem do café (Coffea arabica L.) processado de diferentes formas com uso de enzimas e levedura
Other Titles: Drying kinetics mathematical modeling of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) processed in different ways and with the use of enzymes and yeast
Modelado matemático de la cinética de secado del café (Coffea arabica L.) procesado em diferentes formas y con el uso de enzimas y levaduras.
Keywords: Café - Secagem
Café - Processamento
Coffee - Drying
Coffee - Processing
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: CDRR Editors
Citation: TOSTA, M. F. et al. Modelagem matemática da cinética de secagem do café (Coffea arabica L.) processado de diferentes formas com uso de enzimas e levedura. Research, Society and Development, Vargem Grande Paulista, v. 9, n. 7, e908974359, 2020. DOI:
Abstract: Among all stages in the coffee production (Coffea arabica L.), post-harvest can significantly impact the final cost and product quality. Among the stages of this phase, drying is one’s that requires most care. The search for new technologies to optimize this process has been growing exponentially, a example is the use of enzymes and yeasts, which can guarantee a safer drying and even improve the quality of the bevarege. The objective of the study was to evaluate the drying behavior of coffee without changing the temperature, air flow, only changing the processing (natural and pulped natural) of the beans using the enzyme Pectinex® Ultra SPL and the yeast CA11 to observe the occurrence of some change in the drying kinetics after processing and modeling the drying kinetics, analyzing which model can more accurately predict the coffee drying. The VALCAM model was the best model to describe drying kinetics, with the highest value of determination coefficient (R2> 99.73%), lowest mean relative deviation value (P <4.43) and standard deviation of the estimate (SE <0.055). For wet processed coffees, the determination coefficients (R2) were varied between the models studied. The VALCAM model was the only one that presented the ideal values to describe the drying phenomenon with determination coefficients (R2) of 99.63%, relative average error (P) of 3.37 and standard deviation of the estimate (SE) of 0.0542.
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