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Title: Consumo de status pela base da pirâmide: um estudo com usuários de iphone
Other Titles: Status consumption by the bottom of the pyramid: a study with iphone users
Authors: Rezende, Daniel Carvalho de
Leme, Paulo Henrique Montagnana Vicente
Fagundes, André Francisco Alcântara
Keywords: Baixa renda
Consumo de status
Consumo simbólico
Low income
Status consumption
Symbolic consumption
Issue Date: 8-Jun-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: CAMPOS, A. C. Consumo de status pela base da pirâmide: um estudo com usuários de iphone. 2020. 92 p. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Administração)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Abstract: Although themes related to the base of the pyramid have gained prominence in recent years, there are few studies that address consumption by status. In order to expand knowledge about low-income consumers, this dissertation had the general objective of investigating the symbolic and status aspects related to the possession of the iPhone smartphone by individuals belonging to the bottom of the pyramid and how they are used in the construction of identity. The specific objectives were: (i) to identify the different attributes linked to the symbolism of the iPhone brand compared to the different smartphone brands, in the view of individuals at the base of the pyramid; (ii) identify the relationship between the iPhone brand and the upper class identity; and (iii) understand the incorporation of the symbolism of the iPhone brand in the identity construction of individuals at the bottom of the pyramid. Building on the tradition of Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), this study was carried out using qualitative methodology. In order to explore the subject by absorbing stories and life experiences, we opted for an in-depth interview. The sampling technique used was the snowball, in which the interviewees indicate new participants and so on, until the saturation point is reached. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using Bardin's (1977) content analysis technique by mixed grid. Even though functional aspects are important, the symbolic issues prevail, because even if smartphones from other brands are considered better than iPhone, they are not able to bring down all the symbolism of the iPhone, this being the main reason for the purchase. It was found that the purchase of the Apple smartphone, in addition to seeking to get closer to the identity of upper class people, is a way of distancing itself from the poorest. The search for status is achieved with the possession of the iPhone, as many respondents cite the difference they see in their identity after the acquisition of the device, considering themselves famous, and feeling that they are somehow better than others of the same social group. Through a sociocultural perspective, several motivations were presented to consume a good of high monetary value and also a discussion on the prejudices and discrimination suffered by low-income people, thus generating relevant information for both researchers, society and the market. The bottom of the pyramid comprises a large portion of the Brazilian population, and studies with this consumer class are of great relevance. The lack of studies in this segment neglects the great importance given to material culture and hedonic consumption in this population. Brands that offer prestige are highly valued by this class. The prevailing assumption that the poor have no purchasing power crumbles when they discover that, through sacrifices and resignations, low-income Brazilians are able to acquire goods of high monetary value.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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