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Title: As novas tecnologias reprodutivas conceptivas no feminismo
Keywords: Gênero
Tecnologias reprodutivas conceptivas
Conceptual reproductive technologies
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal Fluminense
Citation: KALSING, V. S. S. As novas tecnologias reprodutivas conceptivas no feminismo. Gênero, Niterói, v. 19, n. 2, p. 197-209, 2019.
Abstract: In this article, I discuss the contributions of some contemporary feminist authors to the debate that involves ethical, political, religious, economic, cultural, gender and ethnic issues that permeate the development and application of New Conceptual Reproductive Technologies (NTRc) in capitalist societies contemporary, especially with regard to Brazil. Most of the feminist theorists understand the development of NTRc and its application as an issue that should be discussed, especially considering the context of poor or developing countries, such as Brazil. Some feminist views are even quite critical of these technologies.
Appears in Collections:DCH - Artigos publicados em periódicos
DED - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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