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Title: Distribution of tree species in an edaphic gradient in reforestation areas in restoration process with different levels of disturbance
Other Titles: Distribuição de espécies arbóreas em gradiente edáfico em reflorestamentos em processo de restauração com níveis diferenciados de perturbação
Keywords: Semideciduous seasonal forest
Multivariate analysis
Floristic and edaphic attributes
Floresta estacional semidecidual
Análise multivariada
Atributos florísticos e edáficos
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Centro Científico Conhecer
Citation: FARIA, R. A. V. B.; BOTELHO, S. A.; MELLO, J. M. de; GARCIA, P. O. Distribution of tree species in an edaphic gradient in reforestation areas in restoration process with different levels of disturbance. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 16, p. 802-812, 2013.
Abstract: This study aims at characterizing the correlations between tree communities and soil attributes in areas in restoration process with different levels of disturbance (DE = Degraded; DI = Disturbed and PRE = Preserved). A survey was performed with the allocation of 36 plots of 20 x 20 m, in which trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm were sampled. For the soil analysis, two samples were collected within each plot in order to form a composite sample. Correlations between biotic and edaphic arrays had their significance tested using the Monte Carlo permutation test. Edaphic and biotic variables were compared by unifactorial variance analysis (ANOVA), connected to a posteriori Tukey tes (5%). The soils in categories DE and DI showed aluminum content (Al) ranging from low to medium. The PRE category showed high aluminum content and low fertility. The ordering showed the separation of the plots into three groups (DE, DI and PRE) according to the proportion of disturbance levels. The areas in restoration process presented edaphic and tree community composition heterogeneity. The soils of all studied categories were characterized by its low nutrient availability and acidity ranging from medium (DE) to high (DI and PRE) and varying content of organic matter, which is more highly stored in the forest area. The fertility degree and other soil characteristics partially explain the floristic compositions and changes in the abundance of populations in the tree communities.
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