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Title: Influência do custo da energia elétrica e do material da tubulação na velocidade econômica de bombeamentos
Other Titles: Effect of electrical energy and pipe costs on economic pumping speed
Keywords: Irrigação - Energia de bombeamento
Irrigation - Pumping Energy
Issue Date: Jan-2015
Publisher: Universidade Estadual Paulista
Citation: PERRONI, B. L. T.; FARIA, L. C.; CARVALHO, J. de A.; OLIVEIRA, H. F. E. de. Influência do custo da energia elétrica e do material da tubulação na velocidade econômica de bombeamentos. Irriga, Botucatu, v. 20, n. 1, p. 13-20, jan./mar. 2015.
Abstract: Several factors may limit irrigated agriculture activities, including costs of pumping energy. Based on simulations, the influence of rising the energy and pipe costs on the economic flowage speed was evaluated. When the increase in energy cost is higher than that in pipe cost, the economic flowage speed tends to decrease. Conversely, it tends to increase when the rise in pipe costs is greater than that in energy costs. The increase in electric energy cost causes a greater decrease in economic flowage speed in shorter length pipes as compared to longer length pipes. When the increase in pipe cost is higher than that of electric energy, the economic flowage speed is higher in longer length pipes.
Appears in Collections:DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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