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Title: Estudo sobre algumas notas de Wittgenstein
Other Titles: Study on some of Wittgenstein's Notes
Keywords: Wittgenstein
Jogos de linguagem
Forma lógica
Language games
Logical form
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
Citation: CUNHA, J. G. M. da. Estudo sobre algumas notas de Wittgenstein. Revista Estudos Filosóficos, São João del-Rei, n. 2, p. 1-27, 2009.
Abstract: This paper analyses some remarks on art and psychoanalysis by Wittgenstein, from the overcoming of the distinction between saying and showing of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus we find in the Philosophical Investigations. Its essential approach is that the concept of “language games” doesn't mean a movement from the transcendental to the empirical in the “second” Wittgenstein. Thus the instances of art and psychoanalysis approached by Wittgenstein in these remarks can show the meaning of the wittgensteinian critique of a referring view of language, which is called 'agostinian'.
Appears in Collections:DCH - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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