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Title: Controle intervalar de sistemas lineares com incerteza paramétrica não-estruturada
Keywords: Robust control
Interval mathematics
Parametric uncertainty
Controle robusto
Matemática intervalar
Incerteza paramétrica
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: SOUZA, C. A. T. de; FERREIRA, S. C.; LEITE, D. F. Controle intervalar de sistemas lineares com incerteza paramétrica não-estruturada. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 22., 2018, João Pessoa. Anais... [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2018. Não paginado.
Abstract: Control and analysis of multivariable linear dynamic systems with unstructured parametric uncertainty are dealt with from the interval mathematics perspective. Guaranteed stability is achieved from the Kharitonov theorem. Observability and complete state controllability are also generalized for systems with uncertain parameters. Two controller design methods are proposed viz. Interval Coefficient Coupling and Interval Ackermann method. Results show the effectiveness of the design methods and provide bounds on the possible values of the states during the transient period due to the uncertainty on the exact parameters. Extensions of the controllability and observability analyses and of the design methods to the interval case are contributions of this study.
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