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Title: Thermal effects of a photon gas with a deformed Heisenberg algebra
Keywords: Generalized uncertainty principle
Gas photon
Finite temperature field theory
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: World Scientific
Citation: BUFALO, R. Thermal effects of a photon gas with a deformed Heisenberg algebra. International Journal of Modern Physics A, [S.l.], v. 31, n. 32, 2016.
Abstract: In this paper, we have considered the thermodynamics of a photon gas subject to the presence of a minimal measurable length following from a covariant extension of the original generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). After consistently establishing a generalized dynamics, we define a GUP deformed Maxwell invariant which serves as the basis for our study. In order to highlight the GUP effects, we compute the one- and two-loop order contribution to the partition function at the high-temperature limit. Afterwards, by computing the internal energy density, we conclude that the additional terms can be seen as corrections δσGUP to the Stefan–Boltzmann law due to GUP effects.
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