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Title: Governança colaborativa em parques tecnológicos: estudo de casos em Minas Gerais
Other Titles: Collaborative governance in science parks: case studies in Minas Gerais state
Keywords: Processo colaborativo
Desenvolvimento regional
Atores sociais
Parques tecnológicos
Collaborative process
Regional development
Social actors
Science parks
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publisher: Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS)
Citation: TONELLI, D. F.; COSTA, H. A.; SANT'ANNA, L. Governança colaborativa em parques tecnológicos: estudo de casos em Minas Gerais. Gestão & Regionalidade, [S.l.], v. 34, n. 101, p. 152-167, mai./ago. 2018. DOI: 10.13037/gr.vol34n101.3866.
Abstract: The aim was to understand how Collaborative Governance (CG) manifests in science parks (SPs) based on the Ansell and Gash (2008) model. This model consists of five theoretical constructs: (i) face-to-face dialogue; (ii) building trust; (iii) commitment to the process; (iv) shared understanding; and (v) intermediate results. Based on these constructs, case studies were performed in two SPs: the first in the implementation stage, and the second in operating stage. The data gathered, in form of transcribed interviews, documents, and observation notes, were subjected to content analysis. The results demonstrated that although some precepts of CG were manifested in both SPs investigated, there was an absence of key elements of CG, such as the formal collaboration spaces and the inclusive decision-making processes. At the same time, in the view of respondents, the constructs of CG are considered important to the success of the projects.
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