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Title: Comportamento das variáveis morfológicas e da água corporal durante as fases de um ciclo menstrual
Other Titles: Behavior of variable morphological and body water during the phases of a cycle menstrual
Keywords: Ciclo menstrual
Água corporal
Composição corporal
Menstrual cycle
Body water
Body composition
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidade Católica de Brasília
Citation: SANTOS, F. P. et al. Comportamento das variáveis morfológicas e da água corporal durante as fases de um ciclo menstrual. Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento, v. 26, n. 2, p. 5-11, 2018.
Abstract: The existence of cyclical changes in body weight and in the metabolism of water and electrolytes in the course of the menstrual cycle is widely studied in the literature, but the results in this regard show themselves to be divergent. It is believed that progesterone is the main responsible for the retention of liquids and sodium, especially after the ovulatory phase, when the highest concentration of this hormone occurs and, in this way, fl uid retention can interfere in body composition. To confi rm this hypothesis, seven healthy women (22.71 ± 2.63 years, 62.20 ± 7.62 kg, 161.57 ± 3.15 cm, 27.40 ± 3.58 % fat), training practitioners who were weighted for at least two months and did not use oral contraceptives, were evaluated during the menstrual cycle - follicular phase, between the 3rd and 5th days; ovulatory phase, between the 9th and 10th days; and Luteal Phase, between 17 and 21 days - by the bioelectrical impedance method (Quantum BIA-II® - RJL Systems, Inc. Clinton: MI-USA), in which the following variables were measured: total body water, intracellular water and extracellular water in liters; fat percentage; fat mass and lean mass in kg. The Shapiro Wilk test and the homogeneity through the Levene test were used to verify the distribution of the sample. The ANOVA One Way test was adopted with Bonferroni Post-Hoc. For statistical proof, p ≤ 0.05 was adopted. No signifi cant diff erences were found between the variables analyzed at each stage of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is concluded that variations that occur during MC are not able to morphologically infl uence the body composition of healthy and physically active women.
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