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Title: Efficiency of the treatment system of wastewater at a kennel
Other Titles: Eficiência do sistema de tratamento de efluentes de canil
Keywords: Efluentes de canil - Tratamento
Sistema tanque séptico-filtro anaeróbio
Septic tank-anaerobic filter system
Kennel Effluents - Treatment
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Citation: SOUZA, A. dos R. et al. Efficiency of the treatment system of wastewater at a kennel. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, Maringá, v. 40, p. 1-13, 2018. doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v40i1.36694.
Abstract: Abandoned canine on streets have been an increasing issue in the majority of Brazilian cities. In order to decrease this problem, many countries have created kennels, which are unities reserved to shelter dogs. The animal confinements produce a huge amount of solid and liquid waste in concentrated residues. There are only few studies about those residues. The kennel Parque Francisco de Assis, located in the municipality of Lavras, shelter about 400 dogs and it has an individual system of treatment, composed by grating and decanter, septic tanks with anaerobic filters (ST-ANF), and stabilization tanks for treatment of wastewater produced in the activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the system of wastewater treatment of the kennel by the qualitative characterization through physical, chemical and biological analysis of the influent and effluent from the unities that are in the treatment system, thus obtaining the efficiency of the process. The average efficiency of the removal in the treatment system was approximately 65% of organic matter, 11% of nutrients and 59% of coliforms; therefore, it was featured as unsatisfactory to release according to the normative deliberation Copam/Cerh nº 01/2008, altering the conditions and standards of the stream in a negative way.
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