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Title: Coordination of joint actions in Muriae's (MG) clothing LPA
Other Titles: Coordenação das ações conjuntas no APL de vestuário de Muriaé-MG
Keywords: Local development
Desenvolvimento local
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Citation: ANTERO, C. A. da S. et al. Coordination of joint actions in Muriae's (MG) clothing LPA. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 3, p. 158-182, maio/jun. 2016.
Abstract: Purpose: It sought to understand the coordination of the local production arrangement (LPA), especifically clothing production in the City of Muriaé, MG-Brazil. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: This study proposes the analytical model for comprehending how coordinating happens, as well as indicate relations between the elements that compose it, and the implications for the way in which these elements are manifested in a LPA context. It consists in an advance for understanding governance in LPA. We suggest means for systematizing the coordination of joint actions and mitigating challenges regarding means of production and means of coordinating. Key methodological aspects: A qualitative/descriptive research was performed, whose data was gathered through documents and partially structured interviews, conducted with twenty agents of said LPAs. The data was processed through NVivo® software and categorized by the content analysis technique. Summary of key results: It was found that the coordination is characterized by low levels of formality, integration and participation of the business representatives, management structure made of some entities and average integration and participation levels of the business representatives' part. Results that support other studies developed about the practice. Key considerations/conclusions: It was identified factors that allow us to grasp the complex reality and dynamics of a LPA, as well as criteria for systematizing and comprehending how coordination happens and pointing out its implication in the development [of local business]. Out of strategies devised, it will be possible to direct the activities of coordinators from others LPAs, fostering local business development.
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