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metadata.teses.dc.title: Os impactos do estatuto da pessoa com deficiência no direito protetivo pátrio e sua antinomia com o novo código de processo civil. 2017
metadata.teses.dc.title.alternative: The impacts of statute of people with disabilities on right protective parental rights and your antinomy with the new code of civil procedure
metadata.teses.dc.creator: Amaral, Paloma Francielly do
metadata.teses.dc.contributor.advisor1: Berlini, Luciana Fernandes
metadata.teses.dc.contributor.referee1: Neves, Isabela Dias
metadata.teses.dc.contributor.referee2: Miranda, Guilherme Maia de
metadata.teses.dc.subject: Incapacidade
Pessoas com deficiência
Conflito aparente de normas
People with disability
Apparent conflict of norms 31-Jan-2018
metadata.teses.dc.identifier.citation: AMARAL, Paloma Francielly do. Os impactos do estatuto da pessoa com deficiência no direito protetivo pátrio e sua antinomia com o novo código de processo civil. 2017. 33p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Direito) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2017.
metadata.teses.dc.description.resumo: Pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, expor as inovações trazidas pelo Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência no regime das incapacidades e analisar a antinomia existente entre seus dispositivos e o Código de Processo Civil. Para tanto, a pesquisa valeu-se de método bibliográfico, qualitativo e descritivo. Realizou-se um breve panorama da evolução do tratamento dado às pessoas com deficiência e dos instrumentos internacionais que contribuíram para esse avanço. Em seguida, avaliou-se os dispositivos do Estatuto e da lei processual civil que estão em conflito aparente de normas no que diz respeito ao procedimento da curatela, defendendo-se a prevalência do primeiro. Para melhor ilustrar as divergências de posicionamento quanto à aplicação das normas conflitantes, apresentou-se julgados do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais. Conclui-se que, muito embora o Estatuto represente um grande progresso para a autonomia das pessoas com deficiência, retirando a generalização antes existente no instituto da incapacidade e dissociando a deficiência da incapacidade, é preciso que alguns aspectos sejam melhor adequados à realidade para que a inovação não se torne uma ficção jurídica.
metadata.teses.dc.description.abstract: It was intended, in this work, to expose the innovations made by the Disabled Persons Statute in the disability regime and to analyze the existing antinomy between its devices and the Code of Civil Procedure. For this purposal, the research was based on a bibliographic, qualitative and descriptive method. A brief overview of the evolution of the treatment of persons with disabilities and of the international instruments that have contributed to this progress has been made. In sequence, it was evaluated the provisions of the Statute and the civil procedural law that are in apparent conflict of norms with regard to the procedure of curatorship, defending the prevalence of the first. Aiming to better illustrate the differences of position regarding the application of conflicting norms, it was tried by the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais. It is concluded that, although the Statute represents a major step forward for the autonomy of disabled people, removing the generalization previously existing in the incapacity institute and separating disability from incapacity, certain aspects need to be better adapted to reality so that innovation does not become a legal fiction.
It was intended, in this work, to expose the innovations made by the Disabled Persons Statute in the disability regime and to analyze the existing antinomy between its devices and the Code of Civil Procedure. For this purposal, the research was based on a bibliographic, qualitative and descriptive method. A brief overview of the evolution of the treatment of persons with disabilities and of the international instruments that have contributed to this progress has been made. In sequence, it was evaluated the provisions of the Statute and the civil procedural law that are in apparent conflict of norms with regard to the procedure of curatorship, defending the prevalence of the first. Aiming to better illustrate the differences of position regarding the application of conflicting norms, it was tried by the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais. It is concluded that, although the Statute represents a major step forward for the autonomy of disabled people, removing the generalization previously existing in the incapacity institute and separating disability from incapacity, certain aspects need to be better adapted to reality so that innovation does not become a legal fiction.
metadata.teses.dc.publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
metadata.teses.dc.language: por
Appears in Collections:PROGRAD - Direito (Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso)

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