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Title: Distribuição espacial e temporal da fauna de invertebrados bentônicos na APA do município de coqueiral, MG, com ênfase em Odonata
Keywords: Benthic invertebrates
Spatial distribution
Larvae Odonata
Jaccard similarity
Invertebrados bentônicos
Distruibuição espacial e temporal
Larvas de Odonata
Similaridade de Jaccard
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Citation: MARTINI, A. G. et al. Distribuição espacial e temporal da fauna de invertebrados bentônicos na APA do município de coqueiral, MG, com ênfase em Odonata. Revista Brasileira de Zoociências, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 1/3, 2013.
Abstract: The benthic invertebrates are a diverse group of organisms that inhabit both lentic and lotic environments and have an important role in the aquatic ecosystem dynamics, and its use for the evaluation of impacts on aquatic environments, widely recommended. Among the benthic invertebrates, highlight the Odonata use for verification of environmental quality. The present study had as objective to know the spatial and temporal distribution of benthic invertebrates fauna in the stream of Ermo, in the APA of the municipality - Coqueiral, MG, with emphasis on Odonata, and infer on the local environmental conditions. Samples were collected during the rainy season (February, 2007) and dry (August, 2007) at seven sites along the stream. First were measured and recorded abiotic variables: water temperature with a thermometer, depth using a graduated ruler and the dissolved oxygen content with oximeter. Later sediments were collected for analysis of benthic invertebrates, using a Surber sampler. For Anisoptera were identified: Dythemis, Nannothemis, Octogomphus and Progomphus and for Zygoptera: Argia. The Jaccard analysis results showed a higher similarity between points 2 and 3 grouped due to the similarities of physic-chemical parameters, mainly temperature and dissolved oxygen recorded in the stream and a separation of the points 5 and 7. Studies about Odonata fauna are needed due to the great potential bioindicator that these organisms have, mainly because of its wide distribution.
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