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Title: Partição da precipitação pluvial em uma microbacia hidrográfica ocupada por mata atlântica na Serra da Mantiqueira, MG
Other Titles: Partitioning of pluvial precipitation in a watershed occupied by atlantic forest in Mantiqueira Range, MG state
Keywords: Hidrologia – Mata Atlântica
Precipitação pluvial – Distribuição geográfica
Hydrology – Atlantic Forest
Pluvial precipitation – Geographical distribution
Issue Date: Jul-2014
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Citation: ÁVILA, L. F. et al. Partição da precipitação pluvial em uma microbacia hidrográfica ocupada por mata atlântica na Serra da Mantiqueira, MG. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v. 24, n. 3, p. 583-595, jul./set. 2014.
Abstract: The analyze of pluvial precipitation and its interaction on the different hydrologic cycle phases in forested watersheds are essential in order to water balance characterization due to its relevant participation in the hydrological processes and to its spatial-temporal variability as function of edaphic, topographic, climatic and vegetation elements. Due to heterogeneity of Atlantic Forest associated to temporal and spatial variability of pluvial precipitation regime, the study of mechanisms that allow describing and linking the hydrological cycle elements are very important. This way, the objective of this study was to analyze the partitioning of pluvial precipitation at a micro-catchment entirely occupied by Atlantic Forest remnant, in Mantiqueira Range, during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 hydrological years, relating it with the seasonal evolution of this ecosystem which was monitored by the application of normalized difference vegetation indexes (NDVI). It was observed greater percentage of internal pluvial precipitation during the periods with less rainfall. It was also verified greater water storage capacity of the Atlantic Forest’s canopy throughout rainy season. Yet, a plausible correlation was obtained between water storage capacity of Atlantic Forest and the regeneration of vegetation demonstrated by NDVI what can be associated to the processes responsible for Atlantic Forest’s growth.
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